The next two week's of lessons are going to be two of the BEST WEEKS EVER! The students absolutely love learning about different countries and essentially getting to travel around the world. We will start the unit off during bellwork on the first day by making a suitcase to store our papers in. You can see an example of the suitcase in the picture below titled "Travel The World". Each day we will focus on a new standard and a new country in reading. Students have already encountered each of these standards and will lead their learning in small groups. Centers will be set up for them that include differentiated text, hands-on images of items from the country, flags, maps and a sight seeing guide. You'll see examples of these in pictures below. The unit that I made for these standards contains all print and go materials so there's not a ton of prep. There will be a written assessment each day in the form of a graphic organizer that students will store in their suitcases. Each day we will play a folk tale from the country that we get off of youtube for a read aloud. It's another great way to incorporate more standards while the students stay engaged. When time permits, students will get to make a craft during bell work from the country of the day.

During writing we will write an informational piece on our country of choice. Each student will be assigned a different topic to write about. The topic may include: food, art, music, practice, clothing and/or beliefs. We will use this writing during our culminating experience which is a Grade Level Culture Fair. If you want to see how we run our Culture Fair, click on the second picture of this post.
Click on the picture below for a Sweden freebie.
Click below for a free passage on the U.S.A.
Click on the pictures below to find the materials used this week.
You can find my lesson templates over at A Modern Teacher by clicking
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