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Florida Teacher Blogger Meeting Fall 2014

SeaWorld of Orlando was very gracious and welcoming this past weekend by offering a lovely venue for our meeting.  Their staff went above and beyond to take care of us.  This mother dolphin and her baby were just too cute for words!

Putting together a meeting for a large group takes a lot of work and coordination.  These lovely ladies were such a joy to work with.  They certainly took a challenging task and made it fun.  A HUGE thank you and hug goes out to each one of them.  From left to right:  Tammy from The Space Coast Teacher, Lisa from Learning Is Something To Treasure, Bridget from Hard Core Teacher Resources, Melissa from More Time 2 Teach, Mary from A Classroom Full of Smiles and me, Amy.

It was such as pleasure talking with this lovely group of women.  They have so much to offer the teaching world.  I just love catching up with them.  We were able to share different tips and techniques that we are implementing in our classrooms. It also nice spending time with people who really get your trials and tribulations.

Aside from talking about teaching tips, we also like seeing what teachers are buying for their classrooms and just for fun.  The following vendors were gracious enough to offer us a glimpse into their stores.
Teachershirts.com introduced us to their Classroom Faces shirts.  These are adorable and super reasonable.  I was seriously shocked to see that they could print them this cheap for teachers!!! They will upload pictures that your students drew of themselves and put together a classroom t-shirt for you.  You can click on the t-shirts to see their store.

We also learned that Shutterfly has a company called Treat.  They can personalize all kinds of teacher swag.  They sent all of the teachers the cutest teacher mugs.  This is right up my alley since I'm a coffee-holic.  I know what I'll be giving my girl's teachers this year!!!! Speaking of treats, Blue Bird Bake Shop spoiled us with the most delicious cupcakes.  The icing in itself tasted like a dessert.

Paper Virgo had the most beautiful jewelry that they offered each one of the teachers who came to the meeting.  I was just blown away by their generosity.  The jewelry was exquisite.

Everyone who knows me well knows that I am a Gator Girl.  I am very proud to say that I graduated from The University of Florida.  I cannot tell you how excited I was to win this hand-made bracelet from Bridget at Bridgeations on Etsy.  It is definitely my happy statement.

Planbook introduced us to their on line lesson planning.  It was most impressive to learn that the program automatically adjusts your lesson plans if you don't finish a lesson or have to reteach it.

I will leave you all with the view that I had at dinner with Meredith from Creativity To The Core, Elyse from A Is For Apples, Melissa from More Time 2 Teach and Mary from A Classroom Full Of Smiles.
Take care of yourself,


  1. Makes me wish I was a Floridian! What fun! And, now I'm off to check out all those cool products!


    1. Hi Erin! We certainly love our sunshine state. We would be happy to make you an honorary Floridian for the next one:)
      Take care, Amy

  2. I am so sorry that I could not make it! It looks like you had a blast!

    1. I would have loved seeing you! The next one is February 14th. Mark it down.
      Take care, Amy

  3. So much fun! Great getting to know my fellow Florida teachers and bloggers!
    -Lovely Nina
    Lovely Nina Designs

    1. Nina, I loved getting to know you. I can't wait to spend more time with you. See you soon.
      Take care, Amy

  4. Looks like everyone had a blast! I'm sad I missed it but I will be right by your side at the next one!
    Loving Teaching Inspiring

    Loving Teaching Inspiring on Facebook

    1. I missed you a ton!!!! I will kidnap you if you don't come to the next one.
      Love you! Amy

  5. I just had dinner at this event space nyc and despite my absolutely strict taste, I had an amazing experience here and I thought to myself that this place is perfect!

  6. I really love attending corporate events those have a lot of fun, you know I am also a teacher and we all enjoy a lot even in our official meetings too. We add so many fun activities that we do after the official meetings.
