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Cafeteria Rules Lesson Plans

Click here to find lesson ideas and book suggestion for cafeteria rules.  Just what you need to teach your elementary students how to behave while having lunch in the lunchroom.  Perfect for grades kindergarten through fifth. {kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, homeschool, k, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th}

The cafeteria can be a huge problem for teachers everywhere.  They can be noisy, messy and students can get in trouble.  If you spend time in the beginning of the year setting expectations and allowing students to take part in creating rules and procedures, you are much more likely to have a successful lunch each day.  This year I was ecstatic to find the book "Seven RulesYou Absolutely Must Not Break If You Want To Survive The Cafeteria".  It's a cute book written on an upper elementary level.  However, I used it with two first grade classes and it's great as a read aloud lower primary as well.  To differentiate the book I left some parts out and shortened it to hold their attention span.  We know we barely have any time to teach extra  lessons so I taught the students how to partner up with partner pair cards and show respect by thanking their partners.  This way the class culture was being formed, students were having fun all while learning how to act in the cafeteria.  Above and below you will find the two different anchor charts that the classes created while taking part in the lesson. Basically we mixed and partnered up to discuss what we love and don't like about the lunchroom.  Then we read the book while keeping track of the main character's actions. When we were done we worked together to make an anchor chart.  

As a back to school celebration my newsletter subscribers will receive the lesson plan and partner pair cards this month for free.  It's not too late to sign up now if you want to receive the extras that I send out each month!

Click here to find lesson ideas and book suggestion for cafeteria rules.  Just what you need to teach your elementary students how to behave while having lunch in the lunchroom.  Perfect for grades kindergarten through fifth. {kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, homeschool, k, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th}

Click here to find lesson ideas and book suggestion for cafeteria rules.  Just what you need to teach your elementary students how to behave while having lunch in the lunchroom.  Perfect for grades kindergarten through fifth. {kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, homeschool, k, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th}

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