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Story Structure - ELA Lesson Plans #22

Click here to learn all about teaching ELA in the second  grade classroom.  These free and fun lesson outlines will detail curriculum and ideas for all informational, literature and writing standards in my 2nd grade elementary classroom.  This week's lessons will be all about story structure and Mr. Tannen's Tie Trouble.  Your second grade students will love the lessons and activities shared here.  These lesson outlines are added and updated almost each week.

This week is all about the how's and why's of why authors choose the characters, setting and events that they choose.  We will start the week with a short story, story structure game and good conversation about how characters, setting and events must go together in order to make sense.  As the week progresses we will look at how the author chooses certain events to make us understand a character and later on how the character's actions, events, etc. help to give us the lesson.  Throughout the week we differentiate the lessons by having the below level students focus on recounting the story, while the above level students synthesize the lesson and write different beginnings, middles and endings.

Click here to learn all about teaching ELA in the second  grade classroom.  These free and fun lesson outlines will detail curriculum and ideas for all informational, literature and writing standards in my 2nd grade elementary classroom.  This week's lessons will be all about story structure and Mr. Tannen's Tie Trouble.  Your second grade students will love the lessons and activities shared here.  These lesson outlines are added and updated almost each week.

Click here to learn all about teaching ELA in the second  grade classroom.  These free and fun lesson outlines will detail curriculum and ideas for all informational, literature and writing standards in my 2nd grade elementary classroom.  This week's lessons will be all about story structure and Mr. Tannen's Tie Trouble.  Your second grade students will love the lessons and activities shared here.  These lesson outlines are added and updated almost each week.

 Writing is all about recounting the story in detail.  This week will preface next week.  Students will practice retelling the stories from this week so that they can write their own stories with all of the components next week.

Click here to learn all about teaching ELA in the second  grade classroom.  These free and fun lesson outlines will detail curriculum and ideas for all informational, literature and writing standards in my 2nd grade elementary classroom.  This week's lessons will be all about story structure and Mr. Tannen's Tie Trouble.  Your second grade students will love the lessons and activities shared here.  These lesson outlines are added and updated almost each week.
Click here to learn all about teaching ELA in the second  grade classroom.  These free and fun lesson outlines will detail curriculum and ideas for all informational, literature and writing standards in my 2nd grade elementary classroom.  This week's lessons will be all about story structure and Mr. Tannen's Tie Trouble.  Your second grade students will love the lessons and activities shared here.  These lesson outlines are added and updated almost each week.

Click here to learn all about teaching ELA in the second  grade classroom.  These free and fun lesson outlines will detail curriculum and ideas for all informational, literature and writing standards in my 2nd grade elementary classroom.  This week's lessons will be all about story structure and Mr. Tannen's Tie Trouble.  Your second grade students will love the lessons and activities shared here.  These lesson outlines are added and updated almost each week.
This is the game that we played this week.  Click below to see a video preview.
Click here to learn all about teaching ELA in the second  grade classroom.  These free and fun lesson outlines will detail curriculum and ideas for all informational, literature and writing standards in my 2nd grade elementary classroom.  This week's lessons will be all about story structure and Mr. Tannen's Tie Trouble.  Your second grade students will love the lessons and activities shared here.  These lesson outlines are added and updated almost each week.

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