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Social Studies: Teaching Immigration

Click here to learn all about teaching elementary students about immigration in social studies.  Included are ideas about immigration, Ellis Island and famous American immigrants.  Perfect for 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade. {second, third, fourth grade, homeschool}

Teaching students about immigration can be fun and engaging for your students!  We always kick off this unit with a study on different cultures from around the world.  You can find more information about these lessons in our culture blog post.  After the culture unit we learn the key points below:

1.  Definition of immigration.
2.  The history of Ellis Island.
3.  The why's and how's of immigration.
4.  The influences of immigration on American culture.

Below you will find books on the topic of immigration.

Click here to learn all about teaching elementary students about immigration in social studies.  Included are ideas about immigration, Ellis Island and famous American immigrants.  Perfect for 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade. {second, third, fourth grade, homeschool}

The documentary below is a little boring, but it does a good job of showing why people left their countries and what they found in Ellis Island.  Just click on the picture for the link to youtube.

Click here to learn all about teaching elementary students about immigration in social studies.  Included are ideas about immigration, Ellis Island and famous American immigrants.  Perfect for 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade. {second, third, fourth grade, homeschool}

While learning about immigration we learn about Ellis Island and different famous Americans who have immigrated from other countries.  Students are assigned a research project for homework.  They get to choose Ellis Island or a famous person who immigrated to the U.S.  They can make a poster, book report, display or anything that their heart desires.  They have to include:  topic, birthdate, death date, key details and what the person or place was famous for.  Students have a lot of fun presenting these projects in class.  Everyone gets to learn about all of the people that their peers found interesting.

Click here to learn all about teaching elementary students about immigration in social studies.  Included are ideas about immigration, Ellis Island and famous American immigrants.  Perfect for 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade. {second, third, fourth grade, homeschool}

Click here to learn all about teaching elementary students about immigration in social studies.  Included are ideas about immigration, Ellis Island and famous American immigrants.  Perfect for 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade. {second, third, fourth grade, homeschool}

During the unit, I use passages and task cards written on immigration, Ellis Island and Cesar Chavez.  I wrote these passages to fit in perfectly with the unit. If you want to just print and teach, you can find these units by clicking below.

Click here to learn all about teaching elementary students about immigration in social studies.  Included are ideas about immigration, Ellis Island and famous American immigrants.  Perfect for 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade. {second, third, fourth grade, homeschool}

Click here to learn all about teaching elementary students about immigration in social studies.  Included are ideas about immigration, Ellis Island and famous American immigrants.  Perfect for 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade. {second, third, fourth grade, homeschool}

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