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The kids loved their hands-on time with inferencing this week!

Inferencing Books


Monday I read a short story (pictureless) to them and we made a graphic organizer whole group.  We put our evidence in one column.  Showed our schema in the next column and placed our inference in the third. This chart is shown to the right of my word wall below.  I apologize for the picture.  This was the only picture that I had of the anchor.

Inferencing Anchor


On Tuesday we read Henry and Mudge and made another class graphic organizer.  This time we went down to a t-chart.  We included evidence and our inference.  After we worked as a class, we paired off and students rotated through inference bags.  They were able to make t-charts in their reading notebooks to organize their information.
Inferencing Bags


On Wednesday I read them a  poem and they worked in a group to make inferences.  They recorded their answers on a t-chart in their notebook.  Afterwards, they went back into pairs to work through the inferencing bags.
Inferencing Bags


On Thursday we worked with wordless books.  I modeled using "The Red Book".  Afterwards, each group was given one book and they worked together to make inferences throughout.  My planning partner Amanda, tabbed places in each book for them.  The tabs were to show them great pages to infer.  They did a wonderful job.
The Red Book


Assessment day! Tests don't have to be boring or scary.  On Friday I put "The Red Book" on the document camera.  They used a t-chart to make inferences throughout.  I was so proud that they each made an inference.  One cutie even used her Writing Office to reference a contraction.  Love her!
Writing Offices

Here's what they did every day:
Every day they have to use the skill that we learned in shared reading during their independent reading time. So while they read, they also made inferences from their books.  I met with them all individually to check in on them.  These personal conferences helped me to gauge how much modeling I needed to do each day.

Here are some other ideas that we didn't get to:
There are quite a few inferencing lessons in Comprehension Connections.  I love these lessons.  I know that I had taught them the lessons last year in first grade so I went another route.

We considered covering a Big Book and having them infer as you rip one piece of the paper off the cover at a time.

My planning partner Amanda used the inferencing images to make a poster.
Inferencing Work

Inferencing Work

A big thank you goes to Amanda who worked so hard to help me plan these lessons.  The thank you will be continued through the year being that we will do it every week! Also thank you to Annie for sending me the pictures!