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Test Prep

What have we been up to lately? Test prep.  Oh boy.  My number one goal for prepping the kiddos in my class is to teach them to love tests.  I tell them that there is nothing to worry about.  The world will certainly not end because of the test.  We make it into a game and pretend that The Tricky Test Makers want to beat us!!! Never fear though,  The Tricky Test Takers would never let that happen.  The kids really go for this!!! The next thing that I do is make sure to cover the material well with the students so that they feel prepared and not overwhelmed.  It's important to make the material fun and hands on so that the kids are engaged while learning.  Last but not least, we have to teach the kids in first grade how to take a standardized test.  1.  Sitting still for a long while. 2.  Bubbling in.  3.  Taking breaks when they need them without disturbing others.  4. Checking their work! It's best to get through the basics before you teach the kids the serious test taking strategies.

I found this fun Parts of Speech item from A First For Everything to help prepare the kiddos.  It helped us to review nouns, verbs and adjectives.

They loved that it was hands on.  I love that it came with charts so that I could review the skills with the kids first.  There's nothing like being able to print and use something when you are super busy.

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