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Easter, Bunnies and Good Choices

The students are crazy for rabbits this time of year!!! We had a week of non fiction learning last week and we are learning with fiction this week.

Rabbits, Rabbits & More Rabbits by Gail Gibbons

One of the students donated this Gail Gibbons book to the class.  It is full of wonderful facts that are presented in a very primary way.  There were facts on almost every page that I didn't know.  I love learning with the students.
Bunny Facts
While we were reading the book I had the students make a can, have, are anchor chart.  Their writing is fantastic.  They love to sit and listen very carefully because I let them come up and write with the Scentos markers.

Bunny Facts

We started our research writing with a little bunny brainstorming.  They loved the new vocabulary word "rump".

 During our fact writing and labeling, they got to take Easter themed stickers and mark their capital letters and punctuation marks.
Spring Read Alouds
We are currently working on a character analysis of "The Grumpy Easter Bunny".  The kids wrote about how Hopper changed from the beginning of the book to the end of the book.  If you haven't read this book, you really should.  It really helped some of the kids to reflect on selfless behavior.  

Bunny Writing
 The kids were sad to hear that we don't have an egg hunt in first grade.  I told them that they could write a persuasive letter to me so that I would take it under advisement.  One student talked me into considering it if they fill their compliment jar.  I call that a win/win situation.  I hope that they earn it and I can add pictures.  You can find this writing craft for free here:   Bunny Writing
Whose Egg?
Egg Craft

 This was a super easy craft to brighten our hallway display.  The kids cut out an egg shape and glued paper over the egg.  After they glue the paper they flip it over and trim the paper around the egg.  I certainly wouldn't put this out without an academic tie so I had the kids write riddles that describe their egg and gave details about an animal.  Their friends had to guess what was in their egg.
Spring Unit
Spring Centers
The spring season wouldn't be the same without some spring centers.  These centers really helped the kids get ready for their SAT-10 tests.  Bunny ELA Centers


  1. Love your ideas! I was sent here by zip a dee doo dah!! Look forward to reading more of your posts! Thanks!

    1. Welcome! I'll have to thank her for sending you over.

  2. Zip a dee doo dah sent me to say hi! I loved your blog post! Cute ideas!

    1. Thank you! I hope that I can come up with some more ideas to share with you.

  3. Super cute blog! My son loves bunnies!

    1. Thank you! Bunnies were all the rage this year. I'm surprised that I was able to get the students to wait until April to do this unit.
