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Connecting Events in Informational Text - ELA Lesson Plans #24

Click here to learn all about teaching ELA in the second  grade classroom.  These free and fun lesson outlines will detail curriculum and ideas for all informational, literature and writing standards in my 2nd grade elementary classroom.  This week's lessons will be all about connecting events, life cycles, lady bugs, orange trees, watermelons and bees.  Your second grade students will love the lessons and activities shared here.  These lesson outlines are added and updated almost each week.

 This week we'll be taking a look at the standard:  CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.2.3
Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text.  More specifically we'll be focusing on scientific concepts/ideas like life cycles.  The focus will be on reading for detail and determining how each stage is important to the next.  Monday - Thursday we will stay together as a class and learn about:  orange trees, bees, ladybugs and watermelons.  On Friday the students can choose a topic of their choice and work with a partner determining how the life cycle events connect together.  You can see a picture of my anchor chart and book choices below.

Click here to learn all about teaching ELA in the second  grade classroom.  These free and fun lesson outlines will detail curriculum and ideas for all informational, literature and writing standards in my 2nd grade elementary classroom.  This week's lessons will be all about connecting events, life cycles, lady bugs, orange trees, watermelons and bees.  Your second grade students will love the lessons and activities shared here.  These lesson outlines are added and updated almost each week.

Click here to learn all about teaching ELA in the second  grade classroom.  These free and fun lesson outlines will detail curriculum and ideas for all informational, literature and writing standards in my 2nd grade elementary classroom.  This week's lessons will be all about connecting events, life cycles, lady bugs, orange trees, watermelons and bees.  Your second grade students will love the lessons and activities shared here.  These lesson outlines are added and updated almost each week.

Click here to learn all about teaching ELA in the second  grade classroom.  These free and fun lesson outlines will detail curriculum and ideas for all informational, literature and writing standards in my 2nd grade elementary classroom.  This week's lessons will be all about connecting events, life cycles, lady bugs, orange trees, watermelons and bees.  Your second grade students will love the lessons and activities shared here.  These lesson outlines are added and updated almost each week.
Click here to learn all about teaching ELA in the second  grade classroom.  These free and fun lesson outlines will detail curriculum and ideas for all informational, literature and writing standards in my 2nd grade elementary classroom.  This week's lessons will be all about connecting events, life cycles, lady bugs, orange trees, watermelons and bees.  Your second grade students will love the lessons and activities shared here.  These lesson outlines are added and updated almost each week.

Click here to learn all about teaching ELA in the second  grade classroom.  These free and fun lesson outlines will detail curriculum and ideas for all informational, literature and writing standards in my 2nd grade elementary classroom.  This week's lessons will be all about connecting events, life cycles, lady bugs, orange trees, watermelons and bees.  Your second grade students will love the lessons and activities shared here.  These lesson outlines are added and updated almost each week.

Click here to learn all about teaching ELA in the second  grade classroom.  These free and fun lesson outlines will detail curriculum and ideas for all informational, literature and writing standards in my 2nd grade elementary classroom.  This week's lessons will be all about connecting events, life cycles, lady bugs, orange trees, watermelons and bees.  Your second grade students will love the lessons and activities shared here.  These lesson outlines are added and updated almost each week.

To find the print and teach materials that I developed for these lesson outlines, click on the picture below.

Click here to learn all about teaching ELA in the second  grade classroom.  These free and fun lesson outlines will detail curriculum and ideas for all informational, literature and writing standards in my 2nd grade elementary classroom.  This week's lessons will be all about connecting events, life cycles, lady bugs, orange trees, watermelons and bees.  Your second grade students will love the lessons and activities shared here.  These lesson outlines are added and updated almost each week.

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