Hot Chocolate or Egg Nog?
I love both!!!! My favorite is making a big crock pot full of hot chocolate for Polar Express Day. I hope that we make memories for the kids to last a lifetime.
Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
I have seen him do both. It seems as though he wants an immediate "awww" and then some delayed surprise.
Colored Lights or White?
I can certainly appreciate both. I love a colorful Christmas though!
When do you decorate?
Well... we have an understanding in my family. There will be one holiday a year that we go ALL out for. We will decorate our hearts out and then take it easy for the remainder of the year. This year it happened to be Halloween. It will be Christmas next year I promise. We put up a tree and some decorations this year the weekend after Thanksgiving.
Real or Fake?
Fake, fake, fake! It fits our budget and it is somewhat environmentally responsible.
Favorite Christmas Holiday or Tradition?
I have a couple. First and foremost, it is a tradition that we participate in our church's Christmas pageant. It keeps the focus on the reason for the season. We also pick one service project a year that my girls and I can do together. It's never anything huge or time consuming. Just something that helps us to give back to the community. Last year, we collected towels to take to the animal shelter. That's how we came back with our boy Hurley. Not doing that service project again any time soon!!! This year the girls are helping sell soda and snacks every week to teachers to earn money for our Relay For Life team.
Do you remember your favorite gift as a child?
Nope. We didn't get a lot of Christmas presents. We did get the whole family together and have my grandmother's amazing cooking though!
Do you prefer giving or receiving?
Giving for sure!!!
Favorite Christmas Movie?
It might be a tie between The Grinch and Polar Express. Both are staples in my class and home.
Do you shop on line or in the store?
I love shopping in stores during most of the year. For the holidays though, I only shop on line. I'm not a fan of crowds. I was able to get all of my shopping done this year from the comfort of my bed. Even happier that I got some amazing deals too.
Photo card, letter or store bought card?
This year I had Sarah from EduClips turn my family into avatars and made a cool card. You can check it out here on the blog. Our Family Christmas Card