13 June 2018

Lemon Science - Testing Chemical Reactions

Need a fun way to show chemical changes of matter? This blog post has a quick lemon experiment that sure to impress while not breaking the budget.  There's even a video included to show you the reaction.  Perfect for all of your elementary and middle school students. {homeschool, elementary school, middle school, kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth and fifth grade, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th}

Looking for a fun way to introduce your students to chemical changes in matter? If you really want to captivate your audience then lemon science is the right experiment for you.  Chemical changes are where the type of matter changes. This experiment is a fun twist on the volcano.  It's especially interesting because the lemon juice reacts to the baking soda.

For this experiment you'll need:  1 lemon, knife, fork, and baking soda.  Food dye and vinegar are optional.

Directions:  Cut the top off of the lemon.  Use the fork to macerate them lemon pulp inside.  Make sure to create a lot of juice inside the rind of the lemon.  If you want to, you can remove a little pulp and place drops of food coloring in the lemon.  Cover the dye with the pulp that you removed so that it's a complete surprise when it erupts with color.  Once you place the baking soda on top of the lemon, it will react with the lemon juice and create a volcano effect.  If you did not macerate the lemon enough to create enough juice, you can add a little vinegar.  You can see the reaction in the video below.

This experiment is a great way to explore the following questions:
What will happen if we add baking soda to a lemon?
Why does the baking soda create a chemical reaction in the lemon?

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