04 February 2018

Polar Bears - ELA Lesson Plans #17

 This week is all about a close read of polar bear texts.  Last week's penguin unit was no mistake.  It built a schema for the kids on climate, polar regions and climate change.  This week we will delve into two main texts reading them over and over as we focus on asking and answering questions, finding new vocabulary, discovering author's point, compare and contrast and responding to text dependent questions in length with adequate support. While my normal shared reading texts last 20-30 minutes, this week will last 45-60 minutes taking up our writing block.  Students will respond to a question each day with a short answer with the exception of the fourth day.  On the fourth day they will respond in length.  Below level students will be expected to answer the question "Why is ice important to polar bears?"  On level students will be expected to answer the "Why is there a serious possibility that polar bears could become extinct?" with a three part response including: topic sentence, three supporting pieces of evidence and closing sentence.  Above level students will answer the same question with a four part response.  They will include the information from the on level response and add in a response that rebuts any climate change hoaxes.  For independent reading time, students will work on influential African American reading stations in anticipation for next week's lessons.

 This book is put out for students who need to extend their learning.

 On Thursday students will answer the question "Why is there a serious possibility that polar bears could become extinct?"  If time allowed, I would use Friday to conference with them.

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