25 August 2014

Tips and Tools for Back To School Week 11

Tips and Tools For Back To School With The Primary Peeps

Well school is under way for most of us by now.  After three fabulous months, it's time for our last Tips and Tools by the Primary Peeps.  If you have missed any in our 11 week series, look below for the links.  Today's Tips and Tools are by the lovely Laura from the blog A Grace Filled Classroom.  Laura's post gives us the tools that we need to not only communicate effectively with our parents, but also how to build a productive community between home and school.

Look at how cute these notes (that she's giving away for free) are!  Be sure to stop on by her blog to read what she has to say.

Positive Notes for Home
To be continued...


1 comment:

  1. Wow… Amy, you already printed them out!!! So cute. Thanks. I hope you are having a fun time back at school!
