16 August 2014

High/Low Linky

I'm teaming up with my good friend Julie from A First For Everything to bring you my highs and lows for the week.  I'm going to start with my low of the week so that I can share some exciting news at the bottom.

My low for the week will probably be my low for some time to come.  I have an autoimmune thyroid disease.  Autoimmune diseases are no fun.  Here's a definition for you from mednet.com "An illness that occurs when the body tissues are attacked by its own immune system. The immune system is a complex organization within the body that is designed normally to "seek and destroy" invaders of the body, including infectious agents. Patients with autoimmune diseases frequently have unusual antibodies circulating in their blood that target their own body tissues." So my immune system decided to affect my heart this week landing me in the ER for a very short time. However, I have lots of doctor's appointments lined up so that I can get back on track and stay healthy!
Mrs. Labrasciano

My high for the week is that my classroom is almost put together!!!! Yippee!!!! I have one more day to get everything in order before the kiddos arrive.  Here's my sneak peak...
Mrs. Labrasciano's classroom under construction

Hopefully your high for the week is that you can win our Primary Peeps giveaway!  Am I the only one who had to visit TPT multiple times? I'm still not done.  Here's your second chance to do some back to school shopping.
Primary Peeps Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Yikes Amy! I sure hope you are feeling better! The rug looks great!

    1. Thanks Julie. You know that I'm a tough cookie and it will take a lot more to take me out!

  2. I agree! That rug looks awesome! Did you add sit spots to it?

  3. Thanks Kristy. Those are the neon SitSpots. I absolutely love them.
    Take care, Amy
