21 July 2014

What's Under Your Cape? A Character Book Study Chapter 5- R Is ForRespect

What's Under Your Cape?

Earlier in the summer I stumbled upon an author by the name of Barbara Gruener.  She had recently written a book titled, ""What's Under Your Cape?"  Every teacher that spoke about the book had nothing but wonderful things to say. So I decided to order the book directly from her website.  When it arrived I was delighted to find that she had autographed it for me. How nice was that?  I was immediately drawn in by her first hand accounts of how different character building worked for her children, students and community. I could relate to her book because she wrote from the perspective of a mom and educator (counselor).  The bonus was that the book is a quick read which means that you can implement it in your class immediately.

Shortly after reading the book I was lucky enough to join a book study.  Today I'll be referencing chapter 5 along with Tiffani from Time 4 Kindergarten.  One of my favorite topics, R-E-S-P-E-C-T! My favorite mantra that Ms. Gruener quotes is, "May I be treated tomorrow how I treated people today." This is a concept that seems integral to a society that works well together.  She is quick to point out that we can't expect children to understand the abstract view of respect without showing them concrete behaviors that go along with respect.  The book also details a picture book, song and activities to accompany teaching children about respect. It then goes into how bullying goes hand in hand with disrespect.  Respecting others means that children will not turn into bullies.  In a perfect world everyone would live this concept.  So you will have to read the book to get her suggestions, but I am going to offer some resources from youtube to accompany the book.

Video On Respect

Song About Respect
Defining Respect

I recently blogged about using character education bracelets to help turn the abstract learning of character traits into concrete tangible learning.  Click the picture for the post.

If you missed the beginning of the book study, you can click here:
To get to the next chapter click here:
Be sure to check out Tiffani's post on Chapter 5 here:


  1. I think I'm in love with this book, and it's the first I'm hearing about it so I'm glad to read your blog post today. I love the quote from the author - so true! Thanks for sharing your insights.

    1. Thank you for your kind words! It is a great book:)

  2. Hi Amy - back again, already! I just ordered the book and saw you mentioned on the author's web site - awesome!

    1. Thank you! I'm not a paid blogger I promise! I just love her book that much. I'm trying to get her to do a parent guide so that I can do it with my girls!

  3. Oh, Amy ... how absolutely AdOrAbLe is your caped crusader? Just SUPER ... thanks for your permission to post her on my page as well. She's a beautiful ambassador for respect and peace.

    I appreciate your love-filled post; I am honored and humbled by your reflections about my book. EnJOY soaring to new heights!

    Be blessed as you bless.

    1. Thank you for your kind words Barbara. You will be hearing from me throughout the year as I teach these traits to my kiddos. I can't wait to share with you the "aha" moments that I know I'll have:)

  4. I love the clips and words. It is great reading the chapters and looking at your blog. I am so looking forward to teaching these very complex ideas using this book and all the great ideas. I am all charged up! Thank You!
