13 April 2014

All About The Birds

Bird Watching
Recently we've seen a lot of cardinals on our school campus.  The kids were very interested to learn more about them so  I searched around until I found a unit on birds that Dirt Road Teacher wrote called Feathered Friends .
We started the unit by bird watching outside.  Not only did we see some birds in their own habitat, but we also learned how to sit and listen quietly.  It was great to have the opportunity to learn in nature.  After we went bird watching we filled out an anticipatory guide.  This allowed the students to reflect on what they thought they knew about birds.  Later they learned that sometimes we have misconceptions about things we really thought we knew about.  When the anticipatory guide was done and reflected upon, it was time to move onto a book.  One of the books that the unit suggests is "Feathers For Lunch" by Lois Ehlert.  This was a wonderful read that blended fiction and non fiction together nicely into realistic fiction.
Feathers For Lunch by Lois Ehlert

Once the students were totally into learning about birds I broke them off into groups and had them research non fiction bird books in order to make an "All About Birds" pamphlet.  They loved it!!! The pride that they put into their work was amazing.

If you are looking for something to teach this spring, I would definitely check out Feathered Friends.  It seems to delight the masses.

After I used the Dirt Road Teacher's unit we decided to do a product swap and invite our friends to join in.  It's a wonderful opportunity to give you all our feedback on someone else's work. For an opportunity to win some of these products and see other teacher's reviews, check out the links below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway