Who's exhausted? I know I am. I love the saying, "There is no tired like teacher tired." The first couple of weeks are so busy for us. Please forgive me for not writing in length. There are lots of photographs though.
First day photo of Mrs. Labrasciano |
My girls and I went back to school. I'm lucky enough to teach at the same school that two of my daughters attend. I'm also super blessed to have great girls!
Students |
Our principal took on the ALS ice bucket challenge. I'm sure that you have seen a million people do it so I decided to show you the kiddos and teachers waiting to see her do it. That's over 900 students! We have a big school.
We all wore our super cool red shirts that our principal gave us to celebrate our "A" status. It really made us feel good to see that she feels this way about us! Since you can't see our shirts, I included a snapshot from the website that sells them.
Shirts by Baudville |
In between the back to school festivities and hoop la, there was rigorous work going on. Our first lesson was on shades of meaning. I used the book First Day Jitters to get us going. The kids did quite well with the lesson.
We put together our reading notebooks and made some connections with the book "Cookies". I love reading this book to the students. Not only is it a great book about character traits, but it also has rich vocabulary in it.
Reading Connections |
Reading Connections |
Do you like checking tasks off of your list as much as I do? I wanted the students to have mini anchor charts that they could reference. So we put together these writing offices. Not only do they give the students something to reference, but they also store work and provide storage.